Content Curation

The art of information filtering and presentation

In the modern digital communication strategy, content curation is an essential building block. It encompasses the process of collecting, organizing, and presenting information from the Internet on a specific topic or in a specific context. This information comes from a variety of sources such as blogs, social media platforms, websites, and other digital channels. However, Content Curation goes far beyond simply collecting information; it’s about creating additional value through contextualization, interpretation, and personalization.

What is Content Curation?

Content Curation is the art and science of identifying, filtering, and processing relevant content from the endless stream of information on the Internet in such a way that it provides real added value for a specific target group. A successful content curator not only understands the subject, but also the needs and interests of his target audience. He filters the flood of information and presents the best and most relevant content in a structured and appealing way.

The process of content curation

  1. Identification: The first step is to find relevant content. This requires a deep understanding of the topic as well as the sources that provide high-quality and trustworthy information. Tools like Feedly, Google Alerts or Social Media can help discover relevant content.
  2. Collection: After the relevant content has been identified, it is collected. This can include the storage of articles, blog posts, infographics, videos, and other media that provide valuable information.
  3. Organization: The collected content must be structured and organized. This can be done by categorizing by topics, time frames, or other criteria to make the content accessible and understandable for the target audience.
  4. Presentation: The last step is the presentation of the curated content. This can happen through blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, or special curated content on a website. In this context, it is important to add additional value to the content by placing it in a context and supplementing it with personal insights and comments.

The advantages of Content Curation

Time saving: By curating existing content, companies and individuals can share relevant and current information without having to constantly create new content. This saves time and resources.

Increased Relevance: Well-curated content that is tailored to the interests and needs of the target audience increases relevance and engagement. Users appreciate it when they are presented with the best and most useful content.

Strengthening Authority: By acting as a reliable source for valuable content, one can strengthen their own authority and credibility in a certain area. This can lead to stronger brand loyalty and increased trust in the long term.

Improved SEO: Regular publication of high-quality, curated content can also improve search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines prefer websites that offer frequently updated and relevant content.

Content Curation and Content Marketing

Content Curation and Content Marketing go hand in hand. While content marketing aims to create and distribute new content, content curation complements this strategy by sharing already existing, relevant content. This helps to increase reach, promote engagement, and maintain a continuous presence in the minds of the target audience.

The challenges of Content Curation

Although content curation offers many benefits, there are also challenges:

  • Quality Control: It requires careful examination and evaluation of the content to ensure that only high-quality and trustworthy information is shared.
  • Copyright Concerns: When sharing other people’s content, copyright and license agreements must be respected. It is important to correctly cite the source of the content and, if necessary, obtain permission to use it.
  • Consistency: To build a loyal readership, it is important to regularly publish curated content. This requires constant monitoring and updating of the collected content.


Content Curation is an indispensable tool in digital communication and content marketing. It requires both creative thinking and analytical skills to filter the flood of information on the internet and select the most valuable content. Through careful collection, organization, and presentation of relevant information, companies and individuals can better reach their target audiences, increase engagement, and strengthen their authority in a particular area. In a world flooded with information, content curation offers a way to maintain an overview and continuously deliver high-quality content.