
The hreflang attribute: the key to optimizing international websites

In the globalized world of the Internet, it is essential for many companies to offer their websites in multiple languages and for different regions. This is where the hreflang attribute, also known as hreflang-tag, comes into play – a powerful tool that not only improves the user-friendliness of international websites, but also significantly supports search engine optimization (SEO).

The hreflang attribute enables search engines such as Google to correctly identify the different language and country versions of a website and provide users with the most suitable version for them. This is particularly important for companies that operate internationally and need to optimize their content in different languages and for different markets.

What is the hreflang attribute?

The hreflang attribute is an HTML tag that is inserted into the source code of a website to tell search engines which language and regional versions of a page exist. It indicates in which language and for which geographical region a particular page is intended. This allows search engines to provide the most relevant version of a page for the respective user, based on their language settings and geographical location.

The importance of the hreflang attribute for SEO and usability

  1. Improved user-friendliness:
    • Language relevance: The hreflang attribute ensures that users are directed to the correct language version of a website. This is particularly important in countries where several languages are spoken, such as Switzerland, where German, French and Italian are official languages.
    • Regional relevance: In addition to the language, the hreflang attribute also takes regional differences into account, so that users see, for example, the German version optimized for Germany, while users in Austria receive a slightly adapted version for their region.
  2. Improvement of SEO:
    • Avoiding duplicate content: Without hreflang, search engines could consider different language versions of a website as duplicate content, which could have a negative impact on the ranking. The hreflang attribute helps to avoid this by clearly separating the different versions.
    • Targeted traffic control: With hreflang, you can direct traffic in the right direction so that your content is always displayed to the right audience. This leads to a better user experience and increases the likelihood of users staying on your site longer and converting.

The correct implementation of the hreflang attribute

The implementation of the hreflang attribute requires care and precision. It is crucial that the correct language and country codes are used to ensure that search engines can interpret the information correctly.

  1. Use the correct codes:
    • Language marking (ISO 639-1): Two-letter codes in accordance with the ISO 639-1 standard are used to indicate the language, such as “de” for German or “en” for English.
    • Country designation (ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2): The region is specified by another two-letter code according to ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2, such as “DE” for Germany or “US” for the United States. An example of the combination of language and region would be “de-DE” for German-Germany.
  2. Use of the x-default option:
    • Set default version: The “x-default” attribute is used to define a default version of the website that is displayed if no specific language or region version matches. This is particularly useful for global websites that do not have a separate version for each language.
    • Universal findability: By implementing x-default, you ensure that users using an unspecified language or region will still see a relevant version of your site.
  3. Backlinking and consistency:
    • Reciprocal linking: A common mistake when implementing hreflang is the failure to link all language and regional versions of a page. It is important that every page that uses an hreflang attribute also links to all other language versions. This ensures that search engines can correctly recognize and interpret the relationships between the different versions.
    • Check consistency: Once implemented, hreflang tags should be checked regularly to ensure they are being applied correctly and consistently. Tools such as Google Search Console can help to identify and correct errors in the hreflang implementation.

Implementation challenges and best practices

Implementing the hreflang attribute can be complex, especially for large websites with many language and region versions. It is important to follow some best practices to avoid mistakes and achieve the best possible results.

  1. Avoidance of typical errors:
    • Incorrect codes: Using incorrect language or country codes can result in search engines not interpreting the page correctly. It is important to follow the exact ISO standards.
    • Lack of backlinking: As already mentioned, reciprocal linking between the different language versions is crucial for the success of the hreflang implementation. Without these links, search engines will not be able to recognize the relationships correctly.
  2. Consider scalability:
    • Automation: For websites with a large number of language versions, the manual implementation of hreflang tags can be very time-consuming. In such cases, it makes sense to use automated solutions to implement the hreflang tags efficiently and correctly.
    • Regular review: As websites are constantly evolving, hreflang tags should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they continue to function correctly.
  3. Use of tools for validation:
    • Google Search Console: This tool provides reports that help identify and correct errors in hreflang implementation.
    • External validation tools: There are numerous specialized tools that can check the correct implementation of hreflang tags. These tools can help identify potential problems before they have a negative impact on SEO.


The hreflang attribute is an indispensable tool for any internationally oriented website. It ensures that the right content is presented to the right users at the right time, which not only improves the user experience but also significantly boosts SEO performance. Through careful and precise implementation, website owners can maximize their global reach, improve search engine visibility and optimize the user experience at the same time. In a world where competition for user attention is becoming increasingly intense, the hreflang attribute can make the difference between an average and outstanding international presence.


<link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-at" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="nl" href=""/>
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href=""/>
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="it" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="sv" href="" />
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="" />