Dwell time

An important KPI for SEO and online marketing: dwell time

Dwell time is a decisive indicator in online marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). It refers to the amount of time a user spends on a website before returning to the search engine results page (SERP). A longer dwell time is often seen as an indication that the content of the website is relevant and interesting for the user. Consequently, a high dwell time can help to improve the ranking of a website in the search results.

What is Dwell Time and why is it important?

The dwell time differs from other metrics such as the bounce rate or the average session duration. While the bounce rate measures the percentage of users who leave a website after viewing just one page, and the average session duration measures the total time a user spends on the website, the dwell time refers specifically to the time a user spends on a page before returning to the search engine.

Why is Dwell Time important?

  1. Indicator of relevance and quality: A longer dwell time indicates that the content is relevant and appealing to the user. This can lead to a better ranking in search engines, as search engines such as Google consider positive user signals as a ranking factor.
  2. Improving the user experience: A high dwell time shows that users find what they are looking for on the website, which leads to a better user experience and increases the likelihood that users will return.
  3. Higher conversion rate: Users who stay longer on a website are more likely to carry out a desired action, be it a purchase, signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form.

Factors that influence the dwell time

The dwell time can be influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Quality and relevance of the content
    • High-quality content Content that is informative, well-researched and useful keeps users on the site for longer.
    • Relevant content that is precisely tailored to the user’s search queries and interests increases the length of stay.
  2. Design and user-friendliness
    • Attractive design An aesthetically pleasing website with a clear structure and simple navigation improves the user experience.
    • User-friendliness Ease of use and logical arrangement of content help users to feel comfortable on the website and stay longer.
  3. Page loading speed
    • Fast loading times Websites that load quickly offer a better user experience and prevent users from leaving the site in frustration.
  4. Interactive elements
    • Videos and multimedia The use of videos, images and other multimedia elements can keep users on the site for longer.
    • Interactive features Elements such as quizzes, surveys or interactive infographics encourage interaction and extend the time spent on the site.
  5. Additional information and resources
    • Related links: Links to related articles or resources within the website can encourage users to discover further content.
    • Downloadable content Whitepapers, e-books or other valuable resources that users can download increase the attractiveness of the site.

Strategies for improving the dwell time

To improve the dwell time, website operators should take a number of measures:

  1. Creation of high-quality content
    • Focus on added value: Content should offer users real added value and answer their questions comprehensively.
    • Topicality: Regular updates and the addition of new content keep the website relevant and interesting.
  2. Optimization of user-friendliness
    • Responsive design: Ensure that the website works well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.
    • Simple navigation structure: Intuitive navigation helps users to quickly find what they are looking for.
  3. Improvement of the page loading speed
    • Image optimization Images should be compressed and optimized to shorten loading times.
    • Use of caching Browser caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) can significantly improve loading times.
  4. Integration of interactive elements
    • Multimedia content: Videos, podcasts and interactive graphics make the website more dynamic and interesting.
    • Interactive features: Surveys, quizzes and comment areas encourage interaction and keep users on the site for longer.
  5. Provision of additional resources
    • Linking internal content: Providing links to related articles or categories can increase the length of stay.
    • Downloadable materials: e-books, studies and whitepapers offer users additional added value and encourage them to stay on the site longer.


The dwell time is a valuable indicator of the quality and relevance of a website and plays an important role in search engine optimization. By continuously monitoring and optimizing the dwell time, website operators can not only improve their SEO performance, but also optimize the user experience and increase the conversion rate. By creating high-quality content, improving user-friendliness and integrating interactive elements, you can increase the time users spend on your website and thus increase its success in the long term.